The plateau of butterscotch and peanut butter up there, yeah…well…let me tell you a small story. Ever since I can remember, my dad would make these peanut butter butterscotch treats for us. (Yes…my dad!…amazing that he actually made something..don’t worry this was the only thing that he made..other than grilled cheese sandwiches haha) Anyway, we looved these, and he loved them because his grandma ALWAYS would make them for him.
Some time ago, the recipe disappeared and dad couldn’t remember what had gone into them. So, I felt that it was my duty to “recreate” it. This meant alot to him. And try after try, dad would voice that they “just weren’t the same”
Well friends, I finally got it…and it’s ober simpler that I had originally thought. I finally got the sign of approval from the one that mattered…dad. I was jubilant.