Cake Bake for Blake

Number two on the list of Blake’s so desired desserts. This was his actual “birthday cake.” Chocolate detail included!

Blake Forest Cake for Blake
Items Needed:
  • One Pillsbury Devil’s Food Cake Mix
  • Oil, water, and eggs called for on package
  • 1 pint heavy whipping cream
  • 2 teaspoons almond extract
  • 1 can cherry pie filling
  • Hershey Kisses


  1. Bake the cake in two 9 inch cake pans. Let cool.
  2. Pour the whipping cream until peaks form.
  3. Use half of the whipping cream on the bottom layer. Mix the almond extract and the pie filling. Use half of that mixture on top of the bottom layer.
  4. Top with top Cake layer. Top with remaining cream and pie filling mixture.
  5. Top with hershey kisses, shredded chocolate, or chocolate drawings of any kind.
  6. Refrgerate and serve!
    Thank you Blake for so informing me that the little mounds of whipped topping look like mounds of poo (not whinnie). Thanks Blake, thanks a lot.

Blake and his birthday buddy, Sherry Hendershot. Blake’s face is so attractive. I’m not even being sarcastic…hah!

mmmm…moist, delicious, and German. So good, and so easy. my favorite part was licking the butcher knife that I used to cut it. I’m actually surprised that I didn’t severely injure myself in any way.
