The time has come. The day has dawned. 102.7 has given in, Walmart aisles are adorned in red and green, and it’s time….time to start looking for cool gift ideas for Christmas. For instance, if your loved one loves to cosplay, then you may consider giving these Cosplay Contacts to them. For you, the prospect of Christmas being here may seem daunting, unimaginable, and possible overwhelming.
Well, my friends, you have arrived at the right place.
Here, I will detail the 10 steps that will ensure treat satisfaction for you and for others.
Step 1 is pretty self explanatory. Think hard and think long, this will be the basis of your Christmas gift giving.
Whether hard copy or pdf version, this is a critical step in gifting success. View the online version here –>Holiday Gift Guide. Forgetting this step will make the rest of the steps very….confusing.
Think of the children. Always think of the children.
Pure. joy. Everywhere.
This is highly recommended during the holiday season. It will help you to regain perspective of what really matters.
Access the form here –> Holiday Gift Order Form
QUICK! The Holiday season is filling up as we speak!
Do you see that face? Do you want your friends, family, and employees to portray this face so you can take pictures and use it against them? Yes, that is what I thought.
This is basically the best idea ever.
It WILL happen. If you can’t handle this or don’t think that you are suited for an excessive influx of compliments, choosing The Miss Cupcake & Let’s Make Whoopie may not be the best option for you.
If it is, get shopping!