So now that it is Wednesday, Christmas is over, and I have finally been able to breath, I can tell you about the wonderful and magical creations of the Miss Cupcake.
Now, I must warn you of something. Towards the end, things get a little, shall I say……violent.
You have to work up to it
Oh but first, the Miss Cupcake Chocolate Sweet Boxes.
So, this year, I decided to do something magical with my chocolate sweet boxes. I made a “What in the world is that thing” guide to chocolate satisfaction. You know those cardboard maps in the whitman’s chocolate boxes? The ones that save you from consuming a soggy chocolate cherry or, dare I say, any kind of nut or coconut? Yeah, well, I did that too, only much cuter
So, I decided to proclaim to the world of my chocolate map making skills. I took it everywhere with me. I showed the guy at the gas station, my high school teachers, my parents, friends, relatives, relatives of my relatives, etc.
Some called me pathetic. Others told me to get a life.
However, I knew I would save lives and make humanity better by creating this masterpiece, so I pushed through. I’m here to tell you, my lovely the Miss Cupcake friends, that it was a success.
Now, here is a scenario. You receive a small pink box of chocolates from the Miss Cupcake. You have no idea what that delightful looking strangely shaped piece of chocolate is in the box. You want to know, you really do, but…you don’t.
Moral of the story?
This guide could save your life.
It’s kind of a big deal.
So want to know what was inside the chocolate box this year?
Chocolate Chocolate S’mores and Golden Oreo Pops
Cheeseball Clusters and Peanut Butter Snacker Crackers
Peppermint Patty Brownie Squares and Peanut Butter Stuffed Oreos
Assorted Sugar Wafers and Chocolate Covered Nutterbutters
Marshmallows and Snickerdoodles
Rice Crispy Treats and Ruffled Potato Chips
Pretzels and Candy Canes
Placed in a lovely pink box, adorned with a ribbon, and topped off with a The Miss Cupcake business card.
New this year was the Miss Cupcake Sampler. Something I will be bringing out to the public very soon. Done as a corporate gift, it is something that I know my customers would be delighted to enjoy! Valentines Day gifts anyone?
Enclosed in this box was two whoopie pies, assorted mini cupcakes, and a few pieces of dipped chocolate. It has everything that you could ever desire…and more!
Now, before you see these next images, I must warn you, they might be detrimental to your mental health.
We got a little carried away during our annual Gingerbread House Build-a-thon.
Just warning you.
Jared had this wonderful idea. Why don’t we take these lovely and innocent looking gingerbread characters…and turn them into killers.
Well, I’ll let the pictures speak.
House number 1: Jared Smith
Murder Scenario: Mr. Ginger became violently angry because Mr. Snow made fun of Ginger’s buttons. In an outrage, Mr. Ginger found a garden hoe/ax that he fashioned out of red chocolate, and took it to the snowman.
Strangely, his chocolate blood got all over Ginger’s house.
It is apparent that either the snowman had a highly pressurized chocolate blood stream or Mr. Ginger got a little carried away with the ax.
House Number 2: Torey’s house
Murder Scene Scenario: Although we are no completely sure as to the origin of this accident, we know that a miniature version of Santa ended up on the roof split into two and bled an intense stream of chocolate blood.
The bleeding was quite excessive.
You know…they really do look quite innocent from far away.
House Number 3: Lauren’s House
Murder Scene Scenario: Mr. Snow is back to life, his wounds have been healed, and he wants revenge.
Three words. Darth Vader Snowman
He had a black whip, dripping red chocolate, and ready for Gingerbread tasting revenge.
Long story short? Ginger didn’t make out so well.
Moral of this story? Don’t mess with snowman, they grow new limbs and come back to get you
Oh yeah, I got TWO MORE KITCHEN AID BOWLS! Woo.. Jared is actually just as happy.
Now he only needs to wash them every 20 minutes.
I’m so good to him…hehe.
And here is us, weating pretty clothes, sporting bowties, and pulling off strange fashions (mistletoe headband).
Just Jared and I being….well..Jared and I.
And Blake in his typical strange face phase.
and again.
This kind of was the theme this Christmas
Oh, and now…are you ready?
The best. gift. ever.
Just so I had no incling of an idea what was in the pacakge he gave me, he used a giant box…and filled in with ketchup and mustard bottles…and potato chips.
I was actually more excited about the sour cream and onion, than the big pacakge inside.
Then he said, oh, I need those back…they aren’t mine.
Ok? haha
I let my firm grasp go of those chips and slowly started to open the gift inside.
It was worth it.
Jared went behind my back, enlisted my favorite artist/blogger in the entire world who is completely booked for months, and got her to create me a masterpiece.
I’m still shaking about it.
Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year!