Ok, ok, I’ve waited long enough. It’s WHOOPIE PIE SALE TIME! WOO!
Shall I tempt you with the flavors…or shall I wait a little longer?
I choose the latter…..:) First, we shall take a look at some free The Miss Cupcake publicity.
Oh hi my lovely Miss Cupcake Facebook “likers”! I’m absolutely in love with the way you love my products. My heart has truly been touched. Because of this, if you can actually read small enough, maybe you’ll be enticed to buy several hundred, or thousand, whoopie pies this sale.
Maybe not thousands, I’m not sure that my poor double oven can handle that. Although, if this is a challenge..I guess I’ll have to figure something out. I could always build a makeshift oven out of sticks, matches, and gasoline. mmm…the sweet sweet taste of gasoline. Gasoline whoopie pie anyone?
So now that you are definitely salivating from my last statement, I will share a lovely preview of one of the Christmas whoopie features. This one might be my favorite whoopie ever. It’s got a pun baked right in!
Yes, before you lick that electronic screen that is portraying this lovely image, I will take a bite for you and tell you how it is.
Hehe…yeah..it’s pretty darn scrumptious if you ask me. And yes, there is a freaking cookie baked inside.
The pun, you may ask? Santa eats cookies…so there is a cookie in his belly! BAHAHAHAH! Wooo! That is FUNNY!
Want the rest of the flavors? OK! There are 5 flavors this sale because I was feeling so generous and in the giving spirit. You can thank me later for making your decision harder.
Santa’s Belly Whoopie Pie: A red dyed vanilla cake stuffed with a Christmas shortbread sugar cookie and filled with a delightfully creamy vanilla filling.
Peanut Butter Cup Whoopie Pie: A chocolate fudge whoopie stuffed with a Reese’s peanut butter cup, filled with fluffy peanut butter filling, and dropped into a delicious vat of melted chocolate.
Snickerdoodle Cookie Whoopie Pie: A snickerdoodle cookie baked under a vanilla-cinamon whoopie shell filled with cinamon sugar filling and rolled in cinamon sugar.
Chocolate Fudge Candy Cane Whoopie Pie: A chocolate fudge whoopie shell stuffed with peppermint candies, filled with a vanilla-mint filling and rolled in crushed peppermint candies.
(And of course..) Old School Original: Must I say more. The original whoopie pie, a chocolate fudge whoopie baked with love and filled with a classic vanilla filling. D to the licious.
All Whoopies: $28.00 per dozen ( or $2.50 each)
Kindly respect the 6 whoopie minimum order. Delivery is available for orders of two dozen or more.
Whoopie Pie Sale Dates: Whoopies will be available Saturday, December 10 , Sunday, December 11, or Monday morning, December 12.
Orders for MUST be in by Friday, December 9.
Email orders or questions to themisscupcake@hotmail.com or call 570-713-5421 and talk to me in person… (as I have noted before) slightly more entertaining
Like The Miss Cupcake on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/The-Miss-Cupcake/141474469276839) I thought I would add that in
*New to the sale: All whoopie pies are individually packaged in clear treat bags with custom Miss Cupcake labels! Classy, cute, and a nice place to store that other half of the whoopie pie! (Who am I kidding, there won’t be any left!)
Have I mentioned that The Miss Cupcake whoopie pies make ABSOLUTELY PERFECT Christmas gifts? They freeze ridiculously well, so stock up and take them to your holiday parties!
So, in case you are not convinced by my whoopies, I’ll let my Christmas Extravaganza experience talk you into buying some.
The Christmas Extravaganza was a HUGE hit! I baked and baked and baked and ended up with selling all but four of my whoopies. Yes…I did give out samples…
..because I’m awesome.
Then I was like, “Hey…how about a mini candy buffet with flowing pink tulle!”
So..I just did it.
Best. Business. Decision. Ever.
Kid walks by…candy catches their eye.
Kid walks back by..still eyeballing the candy.
Lauren tells kid that they can have all that they want.
Parents glare at Lauren.
Kid takes candy.
Parents feel obligated to buy whoopie.
Parent obsesses about the deliciousness of the whoopie.
Instant Miss Cupcake convert.
It’s that easy folks.
And then….then there was THAT kid. You know that one kid that is always at every event who is just absolutely crazy. Well, he seemed to target me on Saturday. It kind of went like this. (I’ll just call him crazy kid to protect everyone’s identity)
Crazy Kid: Did you actually kill Santa to make those whoopie pies?
Lauren: I would rather not answer that, crazy kid
Crazy kid: You know, I usually give Nerds (candy) to my friends who I think are crazy
*Crazy kid at this time grabs a box of Nerds and throws them at me*
These are the normal things that happen to me.
Oh, but that was not all…a new conversation then began:
Crazy Kid: How long did it take you to make these?
Lauren: About 1000 years
Crazy kid: You would be dead, woman
Lauren: How do you know?
So I took all of the lovely Christmas whoopie pie sale whoopie pie flavors.
People. LOVED. them.
See that absolutely adorable peanut butter cup label. One of those could be yours, my lovely friend.
Some more pictures of delicious whoopie and even the New Miss Cupcake receipts. Super cute….I know.
Another highlight of the event was most definitely the whoopie pie I sold to a woman who was planning on going on a date that evening. She decided to buy the old school original whoopie pie and give it to her date telling him, “This is the only whoopie you are going to get tonight.”
I like that woman….alot.
The Miss Cupcake also had a lovely drawing for FREE cupcakes!
And some cute little raffle cards.
Also, a staple of the Walk On Foundation’s Christmas Extravaganza is the Chinese auction. Now you may not be able to make out what the previous picture is, this is the reason that I am clarifying what it actually it. This, my friends, is my Chinese Auction bag. One of 115 items in the auction, this is MY bag! It was stuffed full of people who desired my cupcakes! Oh I love people who love cupcakes!